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The Junior Firefighter Program was instituted by the Prospect Volunteer Fire Department as a hands on training program for young men and women, aged 14-17, interested in serving their community and preparing to become active firefighters upon reaching the age of 18. At age 18, the Junior Firefighter is eligible to become a full member of the Prospect Volunteer Fire Department upon successful completion.


As a Junior Firefighter, members serve in a support role on fire scenes and assist the active firefighters at actual emergencies as a supplement to a formal training program. The Junior Firefighters attend weekly training drills. The PVFD officers and members serve as the Junior Firefighter training officers, and they are the primary contact person for the Junior Firefighter. Those selected are expected to act in a mature manner and commit to a demanding, long-term program.


Firefighter safety is of paramount concern to the Department. As such, the activities of the Junior Firefighters are limited in scope and the program officers closely supervise them. Due to the inherent dangers of firefighting, strict rules of conduct and tight procedural standards have been established. In an actual emergency, it is essential that all firefighters, including Junior Firefighters, act in a calm and efficient manner.


The Junior Firefighters are expected to attend training drills to be prepared for the many challenges presented in an emergency situation. Each member is expected to read and understand these requirements and to adhere to the standards. Please feel free to come to the firehouse any Wednesday Night 7pm to 9pm to observe the members of the Junior Program at work and see if the program is the right fit for you.  After attending 2 drills if you want to pursue becoming a member of the junior program please download the application, fill it out and bring it with you on the 3rd night of attendance to the Juniors Drills  

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Non Emergency: 203-758-5445


Fire Marshal's Office: 203-758-3370


Mon - Fri: 9am - 3pm

Serving the Town of Prospect for 75 Years

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Since 1945!


- Fire

- Medical

- Hazmat

- Rescue Services

- Mutual Aid to Surrounding Towns

- Community Service


26 New Haven Road

Prospect, CT, 06712

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© 2020 by The Volunteer Fire Department of Prospect Inc.

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